Wednesday, August 5, 2009

BigBelly drinks sun juice, compacts trash

July 19th, 2007 by Edwin in Electronic Gadgets, Garden Gadgets, Solar Powered Gear


Trash compactors aren’t exactly new in public places, but how many of them are actually environmentally friendly like the BigBelly? This solar powered trash compactor might look like a standard issue trash can from the outside, but in reality, it is more than capable of holding anywhere between 4 to 6 times as much trash as standard units. In addition, the BigBelly is less prone to the overflow problem which translates to less food for our avian friends such as seagulls. As a consequence, there will definitely be a decrease in bird droppings (good news for folks who tend to wash their car every other day) that ultimately is the main contributor to high levels of deadly E.coli bacteria in the water.

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Excuse me, the parking meter is calling

June 27th, 2007 by Edwin in Electronic Gadgets, Solar Powered Gear


Now isn’t this one of the coolest parking meters in the world or what - it actually notifies you via your cellphone whenever the time is about to run out, helping you avoid a fine from our ever vigilant traffic police. This intelligent parking meter is solar-powered, so maintenance is a non-issue where power is concerned, and it even enables parking violators to pay up their fines right at the meter. Too bad it is only available in Niagara Falls and Vancouver only at this point in time.

Source: Autoblog

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Jacket harnesses sun’s power to charge gadgets

June 22nd, 2007 by Edwin in Electronic Gadgets, Solar Powered Gear

zegnasport-solar-jacket.jpgWe know that solar power is often used by geeks, but how many of them have actually experienced the touch of a world class designer? Zegna has taken this task to create the Zegna Sport Solar Jacket by collaborating with Interactive Wear from Germany. This unique jacket features power cells that have been fitted into the neoprene collar, where electricity stored is transferred to your preferred device (MP3 player, cellphone) via conducting textile cables. It takes approximately 8 hours of sunlight to charge up the entire li-ion battery. Word has it that the Zegna Sport Solar Jacket will be part of its 2008 summer collection - you can be sure it will cause a big hole in your pocket to pick one up.

Source: Unwired

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Solar Shingles could make Solar power mainstream

June 21st, 2007 by James in Conceptual Gadgets, Electronic Gadgets, Home Automation, Home Gadgets, Solar Powered Gear

$olar $hingles

For the past year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology has tested photovoltaic roofing products on roofs in Maryland. And the results are rather encouraging – with solar power efficiency varying from 6 to about 16 percent.

Based on various kinds of roofing products – ranging from tile, slate, and the single most popular shingle, all have photo-voltaic cells and surrounding inactive areas where roofers can secure them the old fashioned way – with a hammer and nail.

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Windmill Cellphone Charger Keeps you Connected in the Wild

June 20th, 2007 by James in Conceptual Gadgets, Miscellaneous Gadgets, Mobile Phones, Solar Powered Gear

Windmill Cellphone Charger

Imagine camping in the wild and an emergency happens. Luckily, you discover you have a cellphone signal! In the wild no less! But the bad news is, you’re battery has just died as you reach 911. Too bad you didn’t have a way wind charge that GPS cellphone so rescue workers could find you.

Well, you have to applaud the effort in creating this wind powered cellphone charger. A mini windmill weighing a feathery 150 grams sits atop your tent.

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Solar Powered Wind Turbine (kit)

June 20th, 2007 by Al in DIY Gadgets, Office Gadgets, Solar Powered Gear

Sole Turbine

Being eco friendly is the cool thing to do, so to show off your greenness why not build a wind turbine for your office, with the solar powered wind turbine kit.

As you don’t normally get much wind in an office (depending on who you’re sat next to), the turbines are powered by the power of the sun (or that florescent strip above), so it might not be saving any energy but at least it shows your good intentions.

The kit consists of 11 parts, is said to be “easy to assemble” and is available for ~£22.50 from

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Freeloader - Charge all your Gadgets for Free

June 13th, 2007 by Al in Electronic Gadgets, Gadget Gift Ideas, Solar Powered Gear

Freeloader Solar Charger

This is a cool little product for charging your gadgets, the Freeloader, a solar powered charging station.

What makes the Freeloader different to other solar powered charging devices is that you can charge the Freeloader up in the daytime and then at night connect it to your gadgets and let them recharge off the Freeloader’s battery and if you happen to need to charge the Freeloader at night you can always charge it via the USB port and then use it to charge your other devices - if that makes sense.
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Sony concepts go green

June 6th, 2007 by Edwin in Conceptual Gadgets, Electronic Gadgets, Solar Powered Gear


Sony goes green with a bunch of devices that won’t ever need recharging since power can be obtained at a moment’s notice. While this morsel of news sounds great, I’m gutted to know that the devices we are going to touch on today are just concepts and won’t materialize in the corporeal world anytime soon. Known as Odo concepts, the idea behind each device is certainly exciting, and they come with aesthetically pleasing lines to boot. To whet your appetite, the entire Odo range consists of different devices, ranging from digital cameras to an image/movie viewer - basically anything that drains battery power at a much faster rate when compared to the relatively sloth-like analog radio.

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