Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An air-conditioning system is important to almost every household especially in areas with hot climate. This is the reason why households of today are the highest energy consumer. However, a group of people that include Mathew Holloway, William Penfold, Daniel Becerra, Karina & Matthew Judkins are now working on a project that will lower down our energy consumption by 10% as compared to the conventional air-conditioning system. The Artica is a natural cooling, ventilation, and heat recovery system tha is currently in prototype and is already set-up for future commercialization. It also has a ratio of thermal to electrical energy rating or COP of 32. With the use of this eco-product, carbon emission is reduced by 90 percent, which is a very positive response to the environment.

The eco-friendly feature of the Artica does not ends there. Aside from the eco features mentioned above, the Artica is also made from re-used materials from other industries that are supposed to be destined in landfills, which is obviously a great contributor of green house gases.

The Artica is not only eco-friendly, it also has a stylish design and its commercialization is supported by Design London (a collaboration between Imperial College and The Royal College of Art) and is funded through NESTA.

Artica Eco Aircon

Artica Eco Aircon

(more pics after the jump…)

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Posted In: Design and Concept, Home Appliances, Interior Design

Pronounced as common, the C,mm,n is an electric car that will address the problem of pollution and carbon emission that we are experiencing at the moment. This eco-car is based on an open source concept wherein the said eco-car is open to everybody. The whole world can freely take part in the development in the development of this sustainable mobility. The only condition of c,mm,n is to return to the c,mm,nity the derived design, and currently,,n is continuously developing and the latest development it has are:
 rollout strategy’1 one million electric cars in 2020 ‘
 charging points for fast loading
 charging points for optimal loading
 interior design
 base / suspension
 powertrain
 Intelligent systems / simulator
 digiquette
 establishment and improvement platform

C,mm,n Electric Car

C,mm,n Electric Car

(more pics after the jump…)

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Posted In: Cars and Transportation

We have here a great submission from another talented designer. A stylish and eco-friendly lounger called the POLO Lounger by Paul Wilding is a new way of spending your outdoor pleasure the green way.

“Polo is made from one-piece aluminum, and then folded in the fashion of a Japanese Origami. Polo is available in a choice of colourways: silver, white, dark bronze or black. Outdoor upholstery is either light grey or black.
Polo is designed for a 50 year life time, and after that it can be recycled.”

Manufactured by a New Zealand-based company Volex Style, the POLO Lounger is definitely a must furniture especially this summer where people are on their poolside and beaches to do sun bathing.

POLO Lounger

POLO Lounger

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Posted In: Furnitures, Recycle

Summer is already here especially to the people of the United States, which resulted into numerous summer fun activities like swimming by the beach, or at large pools. A new way of spending your summer the green way is now being introduced by Macro Sea who founded the Guerilla Pools that is made from old dumpsters in Brooklyn. Originally done in Athens, Georgia by Curtis Crowe, the group from Macro Sea decided to have a recreation of it. With an aim to transform the American strip mall, the group has plans to build more dumpster mall in strip mall around America.

The exact location of the said pool is on top secret still but the materials needed to have it are not. If you in anyway wanted to have a cool swimming pool as this, all you have to do is to have a big presumably old dumpster, seal up the seam, add a liner to it, then fill it with sand for a soft bottom, add a tarp and a lots and lots of water. With this project, people from Macro Sea has able to show to the people of America and the world that one can have cool and fun activities together without too much expense by using and putting together those things that are already present.

Dumpster Pool

Dumpster Pool

(more pics after the jump…)

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Posted In: Architecture, Outdoor, Recycle

Another green robot that will do the collecting, segregating, and recycling your waste is now in prototype and is currently navigating the streets of Peccioli, Italy. The electric DustCart robot is part of a $3.9 million worth of research program by DustBot.
How does it work? The DusCart collects your waste. It has on-board sensors that give the DustCart the ability to measure atmospheric pollutants that include sulfur oxide, benzene, ozone, and nitrogen oxide. Using a resident’s personal ID number, they can call the DustCart using their cellular phones and it will easily go right at their doorstep and immediately sort their trashes into organics, or recyclable, or waste.



(more pics after the jump…)

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Posted In: Recycle, Science

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