Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Full Apple event coverage- Iphone, Ipod, Itouch, Itunes, etc

Partial standing ovation.
I think Nilay is rocking pretty hard. His photos have the look of a man in motion.
I wonder if Dave Grohl ever thought he would be performing in front a giant Apple logo. Probably didn't see that one coming.
They're rocking... acoustically.
They're doing 'Times Like These.'

That was weird. They just floated on out.
Oh my god. The Foo Fighters. Finally a band I like at one of these events.

Foo Fighters!
Uh oh — music guest!

"They are doing the best work of their lives."
"Only Apple could do this. Apple has never been stronger. And that's because of our employees."
"Now when you look at each of these, they are incredible industry leading innovation by themselves. But what sets them apart and what places us way ahead of the competition is how well they work together."
"Now with 200 new features."
New iPods, new iTunes. The iPhone 5. "Powered by iOS 6."
"So let's recap what we introduced today."
To a funky beat, that is.
iPods. Dancing. Replicating. TAKING OVER.
And... here it is.
"Now we do love music, and we love this new lineup of iPods. We were so excited we created an ad."
"So that's iPod and iTunes."
And Tim is back!
One other color — RED. To fight AIDS in Africa.
New nano and touch available in October. Joswiak says "The best iPods we've ever done."
iPod shuffle, $49. iPod nano, $149. Keeping the 4th gen iPod touch, 16GB at $199. New iPod touch, 32GB, $299.

"So let's review."
"But you might have guessed that we want to include these with our products too." With the iPod touch, iPod nano, and iPhone 5.
"I think music lovers will love these. We're going to start shipping these as a standalone accessory. Available today."
And Joz is back.

Can't wait to try these — current Apple earbuds fall out of my giant ears.
Into the ear you say?
"EarPods are designed to direct sound into the ear." Wait, what.
Jony Ive: "Making earphones that fit for everyone would be like making shoes that are the same size that fit everyone's feet. But that's what we've tried to do."
And here's a video about them!
These were leaked a few weeks ago — the same product.

"We spent 3 years designing new headphones. EarPods."

"Doing a great headphone is hard. Ears are challenging. Everyone's are different, but you have to make one size."
Looks like an earbud update is coming...
"Apple is one of the biggest providers of speakers in the world. We put them in just about everything we sell."

"Now I want to turn our attention to something else that's really important for music. And that's speakers."
Personally psyched about colors for the touch.
"Five choices, and each one comes with its own loop — color coordinated."
Whoa! iPod touch in colors!
"And for the first time, we're supporting Siri on the new iPod touch."
"Improvements for wireless across the board."
"We bring AirPlay mirroring to the iPod touch for the first time."
"We've improved the wireless capabilities as well. We have support for 802.11a/b/g/n..."
FaceTime HD camera, 720p video.
"You may have noticed there's a little circle on the bottom of the touch. We call it the loop." You push the circle and it pops up a loop... for a bracelet. Clumsy Ninja, this is perfect for you.

"This rivals point and shoot cameras, but there's more..."
iPhoto for the App Store now works with the new iPod touch too.
Panorama mode here as well.

Pictures look way, way better than previous generation.
"I want to give you an example. These are actually shot with an iPod touch."

"So the camera... iPod touch customers love to take pictures and shoot video. For the first time we're building an iSight camera into the iPod touch. And we're building autofocus and a flash into it."

Battery life has been increased on the iPod touch.
Joswiak is back out.
Big cheers for that demo!
The Ninja is based on research from Oxford! The best minds of our time... working on Clumsy Ninja.
"Clumsy Ninja can learn."
The character onscreen is reacting to the player's actions. Pretty funny stuff. Now being tickled... and chased. Stuff is getting weird.

"The Ninja is fully aware of his environment."
Oh boy, this is cute.
Now a game developer is on stage to show off some iPod touch action. 'Clumsy Ninja' is an interactive toy in an app.
"We can do things with the iPod touch that we couldn't do with the last generation."

"And we made it faster. We're bringing the A5 chip to the new iPod touch."
"So that's the new iPod touch."
"But I know you noticed the display. It's the same display as the iPhone 5." So larger display here too.

"We made it out of high quality anodized aluminum."
"The lightest iPod touch we've ever created."
"It's almost as thin as the nano, but it's a touch!"
"Only 6.1mm thin."

"The best we've ever made."
"It's not just a great music or game player — it's a great iOS device. We wanted to make it better, with an all new, 5th generation iPod touch."
"It's the world's most popular player, but also the most popular game device."
"Next let's talk about the iPod touch."
"Hope you love it as much as I do."
"The longest battery life we've ever had in a nano."
"We've given it the all new Lighting connector."

"One of the biggest requests we've had was for Bluetooth, so we've added it."
"And we're building fitness and pedometer right in."

"And we're bringing video back to the iPod nano. And it's widescreen video — and it uses every pixel."
FM tuner integrated — "It even has live pause, so you can pause or go back and listen to something again."

"It's really beautiful."
"It comes in really fun colors. 7 different colors."
It has a home button, just like the iPhone.

"It's the biggest display we've ever put in a nano, and it's mutitouch."
Physical controls along the side.
"The thinnest iPod nano we've ever created."
It looks like a tiny tiny phone!

"That's what we did with the nano. And here it is."
"First we want to give it a large display. Give it nice controls. Make it thin and light. And of course, the Lightning connector."
"Let's start with the nano. We've had 6 generations of it. But we wanted to reinvent the nano — we thought, what elements do we want to add?"

"And we have the most loved family of music players there is. But we're gonna make some changes."
"But we don't do this just for the numbers. We love music."
"The iPod is the most popular music player of all time. We've sold 350m of them."
Update on the iPod now.
Greg Joswiak is up!
Ne iTunes is available in late October. Interesting.
Eddy Cue is back and running down the changes.
And the demo is over.
Apps, books, etc. all built in and seamless.

Checking out some Springsteen.
The store on desktop is very similar to the new iOS versions. Much cleaner and looks simpler to navigate.
"Here's a movie I was watching earlier on my iPad, The Avengers."

"Let's switch to movies. This is my entire library."
"We've built iCloud right into iTunes."
The mini-player allows you to manage playlists and upcoming songs as well.

Things are moving around.
It strikes me that it's hard to describe a demo of iTunes accurately.

New mini-player design.
The currently playing window provides a dropdown to see upcoming songs. Lots of modals here — not so much jumping around, which is a welcome change.
Nice split screen view to see your full library while adding songs to playlists.
"We've given the artist the ability to share photos with you in your library. Here's some photos Coldplay is sharing."
"You can also browser your library by artist."
"Each album comes with a feature we call 'in the store' where you can see top songs and albums."

"When you click on an album it expands in place." Sort of like folders on iOS. Lots of mobile design cues here.

New edge-to-edge design.
"Rather than walking through the features, let's see a demo."
"But we're not standing still. Today we're introducing a new version of iTunes."
"We now have over 200m customers using iTunes in the cloud."
So, iOS 6 is out September 19th then.

All available with iOS 6 on September 19th.
Preview songs while browsing — play your samples while looking around the store.
New App Store design — Facebook likes integrated in every entry.

Same design runs across all stores, books, music, video.
"So here's our new design for iOS devices."
"But over the last couple of years there's been a trend — more than 2/3rds of downloads come from iOS."
"Customers can shop from anywhere."
"Today I'm happy to report that the store is available in 63 countries around the world."
"Let's talk about iTunes. It's the #1 music store in the world."
Eddy Cue is up.
"Today we're announcing changes with iPod and iTunes."
"We get really excited when we can make music products better or simpler."
"We love creating music products. This is the reason we have created the iPod and iTunes."
"Now in addition to announcing iPhone 5, we have something near and dear to our hearts to talk about today — and that is music."
"This is the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since the iPhone."
Tim is back.
"If you have an iPhone 4S, 4, 3GS, new iPad, iPad 2... upgrade for free to iOS 6."
Ships to more countries on the 28th.

Ships September 21st.
September 14th is when preorders start.
"When can you get it?"
"The best phones at every pricepoint."
New lineup is iPhone 4, 4S, 5.
iPhone 3GS is gone.
On contract.
Same price for the iPhone 4S. $199 $299, $399.
And we're back with Phil!

I'm going to make sweet love to this phone.
Man the hero shots of the phone in this video make it look extremely nice. Sexy even? Sure, sexy.

"Never before have we built a product with this level of fit and finish," says Jony.
"Now you can make a FaceTime call right over the cellular network." Well...
Scott Forstall onscreen now talking through the integration of hardware and software — Apple's edge for so long.
"I don't think the level of invention has been matched by anything we've ever done." The MacBook Retina team sobs quietly.
"We also moved to a sapphire lens for the camera."
"We needed to manage space inside the phone carefully. We created a new connector."
Love seeing the cutaways of the internals. Nerd porn.
Bob Mansfield is going through the engineering feats to create a smaller phone with the battery life and wireless features.
"It took an incredible effort to do this."
"iPhone 5 is the result of this approach. For the first time ever, we've increased the size of the display. You can see more of your content, but still comfortably use it with your hand."
"We take changing the iPhone really seriously. We don't want to just make a new phone, we want to make a much better phone."
Jony Ive is in a large, white room.
Video time.
"What would be the best phone without a killer video?"
Price and release date must be coming up...
Phil is going through the features again now, a wrap up.
"Again, the thinnest and lightest phone we've ever made."
"The iPhone 5 comes in this black color, and also white."
"iOS 6 is the most advanced OS for any phone. And it powers the iPhone 5."
Phil is back!
"We think you're going to love it."
"And we have some great enhancements for accessibility."
"And those are just a few of the new features in iOS 6. There's some great enhancements to the phone app, including the ability to automatically send an SMS back when you can't take a call."
"I can post right to my wall with Siri 'post looking forward to sushi tonight'"
"Find a sushi restaurant for 4 at 8 o'clock." Sure enough, Siri pulls up the info. Hardly any lag here at all.
Ha! Siri says that's a very subjective question!
"Siri has also learned a lot more about movies, so I can ask 'can you recommend a good movie in theaters?"

Also, boooooo.
Some of the stuff we saw at WWDC — you can get sports scores, standings...
"There's one more thing I'd like to demo for you, and that's great enhancements to Siri."
"They've received a push notification with those photos on their phones. You can comment on photos, your friends can, and you can like that photo." But this is not integrated with Facebook, it seems.

"Now I'd like to show you photo stream sharing. I can just select photos and then say share..." Scott is picking individual people he wants to share with.
Boarding passes, etc. will work from lockscreen.
"Here's a ticket for a baseball game. Here's one I've gone to — so I tap the trash button... and we'll shred that for you." Cute! A shredding animation. That must be satisfying.
"Now I'd like to show you Passbook. Here I have a movie ticket, a boarding pass, a card from Starbucks..."
"We now have VIPs in mail. They're all collected in one place. It's also easier to flag messages."
"I can get back to any of my content from any of my browsers on the go, it's called iCloud tabs." Sort of like Google's Chrome syncing between desktop and Android.
"You can now go into fullscreen mode." That's a welcome addition.
"Let me show you some enhancements we made to Safari. It looks great on this display."
"Next up I'd like to show a little tweak we made to Notification Center. You can tap to tweet or post to facebook... and it's that easy."
"And that is Maps."
"You take two fingers and you can change the camera angle." Seems to work just like Google Maps 3D view.
"When you tap on the 3D button, you get taken into flyover." 3D modeling of the actual pics — we saw this at WWDC. Very impressive stuff.
"We've also got great satellite imagery."
"All of this works in landscape in addition to portrait. And that, is turn by turn."
"As we take you around turns we use a cinematic camera angle to fly you around." Yes, because while driving you'll want that cinematic sweep to look at.
Now demoing the GPS features.
"And we've built in turn by turn directions."
Scott is showing off maps. "We've built a search engine in to find POIs — we have over 100m points of interest."
"We are really excited about iOS 6. It has so many new features in it, and I'd like to demo it here on the iPhone 5."
Scott Forstall is out!
"So we'd like to show you iOS 6 running on the iPhone 5."
"Perhaps one of the most important features of the iPhone is the software it runs. And we have iOS 6. It's been designed from the beginning to take advantage of the iPhone 5."
"So that's the new lightning connector."
"For instance in your car, you just leave it there."
"But what about the stuff you have now that uses the 30 pin connector? Well we're working on accessories for that. Here's an adaptor."
All digital, 8-signal design, adaptive interface, improved durability, reversable.

"So a lot has changed, and it's time for the connector to evolve. Our new connector is called Lightning. So we have Thunderbolt and Lightning."
"We use wireless to do a lot of what we used to use cables for."

"But so much has changed since we launched it in 2003."
"You know the iPhone from its start has used the iPod 30 pin connector."
"Next, the connector."
"With wideband audio, we can fill up more of the frequency spectrum. We'll have 20 partners on this at launch."

Wideband audio...
One thing Apple has an uncanny ability to do is downsize components. It is an impressive feat.
20% smaller.
"Improved speaker design."
"Everything has been updated in iPhone 5, and that goes for the audio system as well." Three microphones, bottom, front, and back.
"So that's the iSight camera."
FaceTime over cellular... unless AT&T says you can't.
FaceTime camera is HD.
1080p video, improved video stability, face detection — you can take photos while shooting video.
"Here's some fun you can have. That's not two people. I'll leave it to fans to figure out how we did this."
A photo of the Golden Gate bridge — pretty impressive.
"It creates seamless transitions between these photos." Looks like there's some pretty intense software processing here.
"You get beautiful photographs and images... this image is 28 megapixels."

In case you were wondering.
It's panorama mode.
"But perhaps the most amazing new feature in the iPhone 5 is called panorama."
"With iOS 6 and iCloud, we have new feature called shared photo streams."

"The ocean looks bluer, kids look happier... and the world is a more beautiful place." Laughs for that.
"Here's pictures from the iPhone 5. These are from the camera... untouched." Burn?
"This is 40% faster on photo capture."
Better low light performance.
Next gen ISP, spatial noise reduction, smart filter...
"We also improved the processing."
"Sapphire is renowned for being hard and crystal clear."
"But they didn't stop there. They enhanced it even further. Dynamic low light mode, precision lens alignment, sapphire crystal."
25% smaller.
"We asked our team to try and design something better than the iPhone 4S... and they've done that. 8mp, backside illuminated, hybrid IR filter..."
"Next, the camera. If you know anything about camera design [and] vertical height. Making something thinner is the worst thing you can do."
That was fast.
"So, you can imagine the challenge on the battery life. But we've not only matched it... we've exceeded that of the iPhone 4S."
Phil is back. "To marry mobile with console graphics, it's never been done before."
And Rob is out. Not an overwhelming demo.
"Real tracks, real cars, real people you can play against anytime you like."
The graphics are somewhat sparse, but what we can see looks quite nice.
"Now you can see Vince is driving, and he's racing me. How is that possible? Well we're using a feature in Game Center. Time shifted head to head."
"For the first time, rear view mirrors!"
Graphics do look excellent. Lots of nice shaders and reflection.
"Full console quality."
"Look at the graphics here."
"We created the ultimate racing experience on iOS, today I'm going to show you the next level. Real Racing 3."
"Hi everyone."
Rob Murray from EA is out.
"Devs are going to love what they can do. So we thought, let's get a dev on this A6 chip and show what can be done."
"You're going to see this in many things you do. 2x performance across the board."
"It's a huge jump in performance, but 22% smaller."
"Compared to the A5, it's two times faster."

"Everything has been enhanced. So what's next? The Apple A6 chip."
"Now we're gonna keep going with this... we've updated every aspect of iPhone 5."
New Wi-Fi, 2.4ghz and 5ghz on 802.11n.
"So ultrafast wireless doesn't stop at LTE."
"In Europe there's something else going on. A lot of adoption of this dual carrier network."

Phil is listing carriers around the world. It's a lot. A ton.
"Now you probably know that LTE is the most complicated networking tech on this earth. So who are we working with? In the US, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T for LTE. In Canada, Rogers, Telus, Bell..."
"There's now a single chip for voice and data, and a single radio chip. And we have a unique Apple advantage with a dynamic antenna."
"It just screams. So how did we do this?"
"We've added HSPA+, DC-HSDPA, and yes... LTE."
Now talking about wireless tech.
"That's the first feature in the new iPhone 5."
"This is the most accurate display in the industry. The touch sensors are integrated right into the display itself. We removed a layer and made it sharper. This is the world's most advanced display, and I couldn't be prouder of it."
"When I say this display looks better, it really does look better."
So, apps can be bigger. Just so we're clear here.

"CNN, now they take advantage of that display. Here's OpenTable."

"We learned that they can update their apps quickly, and they want to do more with the display. Let me show you some examples."
"All your software works just like before. But we have given some devs early access."
"But what about the App Store apps? Well here's an app that hasn't been updated. It runs at the same size. We center it and place black borders on either side."

"iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand."
"Keynote, Pages, Numbers."

"All of our software is being updated as well."
"Now you see a full five day workweek."

"You see more of your email in mail. Your calendar shows more events."
"And all our software has been updated."
"You see we're able to add a 5th row of icons."
"It's because of your hand. It should fit there. That's how we designed the iPhone 5."
"Why did we make it this size?"

So, you did make it bigger?
16:9 aspect ratio...
1136 x 640 screen resolution
"The new screen on iPhone 5 is a 4 inch display."

Retina display, 326 PPI.
"This is the monumental challenge we had — can you make a phone with more features that is smaller and lighter. Anyone can make a bigger phone."
20% lighter than the 4S.
"The world's thinnest smartphone."
18% thinner than iPhone 4S
"It's the thinnest phone we've ever made, and the lightest."
"This was the biggest challenge our team has ever taken on, and it's simply amazing."
"This is unlike anything we or anyone else in our industry has made before."
"It's made entirely of glass and aluminum."
"I'm going to take you through it, and I hope you'll love it as much as we do."
"This is iPhone 5."
Just like the leaked imaged. Wow.
"It's the most beautiful product we've ever made... we'll put a video onscreen."
It's rotating.
Ha! It rose up out of the stage.
"We'd like to show it you right now."
"Today we're introducing iPhone 5."
"We're gonna do that again today."
"We started with that first iPhone, and each and every year we introduce new versions. Each time setting a new bar."
"I think Time Magazine said it best 'it is the phone that has changed phones forever' and boy were they right."
"I'm here to talk about the iPhone."
"it's really neat to stand here and see the Apple logo on all these computers."
Big cheers for Phil.
Phil Schiller is up.
"We have some exciting news about the iPhone."
"Now today we're taking it to the next level. Making a huge leap."
"Together with incredible products, it's helped us hit a milestone. We sold over 400m iOS devices. This is amazing!"

"It's a revolution. It's phenomenal."
"90% of the apps in that 700k are downloaded every month. The average customer uses over 100 apps."
"There's something there for everyone. And believe it or not, every app has its fans."
"250k have been tailored for the iPad."
"It's the most vibrant app ecosystem on the planet. We've crossed 700k apps in the store."
"Now of course the App Store is the place for all of us."
"Or this one from Ducati."
"Apps like this from GE Capital, or this one from the Mayo Clinic."
"Almost all of the Fortune 500 are testing or deploying iPads. And they're investing in custom apps. This is something none of them do on the PC."
Some laughs for that.
"They must be in warehouses or on store shelves, or maybe in someone's drawer."
"iPad accounts for 91% of all the web traffic from tablets. I don't know what these other tables are doing."
"So what happened over the last year. Well, the latest data shows the iPad with 68% share. It actually went up!"
"Last year, we had a 62% marketshare."
"Now, our competitors have taken note of this. They've launched hundreds of tablets."
"This brings us to a total of 84m units. Shocking when you think this is a category that didn't exist two and half years ago."
"Now to put this in perspective, we sold more iPads than any PC manufacturer sold of their entire lineup."
"Just last quarter we sold a whopping 17m iPads."
"Our new iPad was recently announced, and the reviews have been incredible."
"Now the iPad."
"We're really happy how we're doing with the Mac."
"In July it was 27%"
"Together with MacBook Air, our notebooks rank #1 in the US in marketshare for the last 3 months."
"We also launched the new MacBook Pro. It's the best Mac we've ever made."
"Our customers have responded. They've downloaded 7m copies of Mountain Lion."
"We've had a very busy summer for the Mac. We launched Mountain Lion. The reviews have been fantastic."
"Now on to the Mac."
"We welcomed 83m visitors to our stores last year."
"We're opening in our 13th country on Friday."
"Our stores offer the best experiences on the planet."
And we're back...
This is the most inspirational retail experience video ever made.
Actually, seems to be from the Barcelona launch. People are screaming. A lot.
And now a video of the Apple retail stores... dominating.
"It's the perfect place to explore and discover Apple's products."
"It has a signature glass staircase, and the opening had a signature crowd."
"We used limestone from a local quarry. No one would have done this but Apple. It's absolutely gorgeous."
"I'll give you a few updates, first about Apple retail." Tim is showing off a store in Barcelona.
"It's an amazing time at Apple."

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