Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple adds new alternative maps

Tim Cook penned a letter to iOS 6 users, apologizing for the sorry state of their new Maps application and promised that they are working hard to make it better. While most would have stopped at that, Cook went on to suggest alternative mapping services that users can use till Apple Maps becomes usable.

Now, Apple has gone one step ahead and created a section in the App Store that can you can find on your iPhone, titled ‘Find Maps for your iPhone’. Clicking on it will show you a bunch of different mapping services, free and paid, that you can download and install on your iOS device.
What’s missing from the list are Google and Nokia’s services, but that’s because they don’t have a dedicated application for iOS. Apple has, however, provided a dedicated page, where you can find out how to access their web services and save it as an icon on your homescreen for quick access.

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