Wednesday, September 9, 2009

LG Electronics to Present World's First 15-inch OLED TV
Sep 02, 2009
One of the biggest television manufacturers in the world, LG Electronics, recently announced that it is soon going to present its 15-inch OLED TV set. The Korean company made it announcement on August 30 in Seoul.
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Top 5 Gadgets for Your Bathroom
Aug 17, 2009
In this article you will discover the things you might want to install in your bathroom to enjoy the ultimate relaxation after a hard working day. These showers and bathrooms use advanced technologies such as laser technology, energy and water-saving technologies and more.
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Top 5 Gadgets for Your Kitchen
Aug 17, 2009
I don't know if you ever considered improving your kitchen, installing some technologically advanced devices and/or changing the shape and/or style of your kitchen, but after you read this article you will mostly likely think about the possible changes. I won't bore you with a long introduction, thus please enjoy the best gadgets for your kitchen.
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Casio Presents New Photo Printers with Touchscreen
Aug 07, 2009
Those of you who enjoy photography will definitely appreciate these cool models from Casio. The company introduced two types of its new photo printer: the PCP-1300 and PCP-300.

Both photo printers create accurate postcard-sized images, plus they are quite compact, measuring about 251x130x151(147) mm.
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Eco-friendly Portable Partial Washer
Aug 05, 2009
The design of this eco-friendly gadget is credited to Rong Yong and Jiang Qian. The device performs two major functions: firstly it saves gallons of water when washing clothes and secondly the Partial Washer produces solar electricity and thus cuts your electricity bill.
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Exocar is the Next Step Towards Personal Transportation
Jul 31, 2009
The Exocar is a prototype that was designed to offer an alternative to the common means of transport. It allows traveling through an environment easier and in a more flexible way.

The user decides how to move and the speed of movement. You can use the device to walk, run or drive.
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LG Presents New Chocolate BL40 Smartphone
Jul 31, 2009
Recently LG made an official presentation of its new Black Label phone, which is the 4th smartphone from the series. The Korean tech giant mentioned that its LG Chocolate will hit the stores starting with Q3. The phone has a 4-inch Multi-Touch LCDwide screen with a 21:9 aspect ratiothat offers a resolution of 800x345 for a cinema-like quality.
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Acer's New Powerful Desktop PC - Aspire G aka Predator
Jul 31, 2009
Recently Acer presented its new Aspire G desktop PC, dubbed "Predator". It is a really powerful machine. In its first model, the ASG7710-A41, the company decided to include the following features: Core i7-950; 3.06GHz CPU...
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Stackable Flatshare Fridges - Really Comfy and Energy-Efficient
Jul 23, 2009
Stackable Flatshare FridgesThis is a really great idea, I must say - a fridge with a lego-like look that offers you a lot of comfort and saves you energy as well. The designs of these stackable Flatshare Fridgesare credited to Stefan Buchberger, a student at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

Having a fridge composed of several small fridges is not only cool it is alsoenergy efficient, because less cold air escapes when you open the door of one of the small fridges.
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Samsung Unveils World's Slimmest Watch Phone
Jul 22, 2009
Samsung Watch PhoneThe tech giant of South Korea,Samsung, recently presented a gadget that the company claims is the slimmest watch phone on the planet.

The device is just 11.98 millimeters (0.48 inches) thick. In a statement the company compared its watch phone with a similar product developed by LG Electronics, saying that its rival's device is 13.9mm thick.
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3D Digital Camera from Japan's Fujifilm
Jul 22, 2009
3D Digital CameraThe famous Japanese company Fujifilmrecently presented its handy digital camera that one can use to make 3D pictures and movie clips and watch them without wearing any special glasses.

The Japanese company called its deviceFinePix REAL 3D W1. It includes a revolutionary system that features two lenses. According to the company, the images from the two lenses mix to create a 3D image of video.
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Futuristic GO Concept Cell Phone
Jul 20, 2009
Let's not talk about iPhone killers, simply because this is getting old. It would be much more interesting to talk about new concepts, new ideas and talented designers like the ones from the Taiwanese company Tryi Yeh that designed the Go concept cell phone.

The phone really looks stunning, with an incredible flexible OLED touch display. Plus the phone has a sliding body, featuring mode keys and a camera.
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Top 10 Futuristic Car Designs
Jul 14, 2009
Top 10 Futuristic Car DesignsIf you thought you knew all about vehicles, think again since in this article you can see some of the most impressive car designs I found and decide to share. I must say that today there is a great number of designs; a lot of young and talented designers create some incredible works of art, some of which are lucky enough to be implemented in real life. Oh, well, enough with demagogy, I present you the list of the best car designs ever.
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Grand Piano from Audi Design - the Future of Classic Design
Jul 12, 2009
Grand Piano from Audi DesignThis exceptional piano was constructed by Audi Design Studio. The popular piano maker Bosendorferfrom Austria, currently wholly owned subsidiary of Yamaha, was the one to work with the car-maker on the musical instrument.

Probably one of the most striking features of the piano design is the lid that extends without any break down to the instrument's base. If you lookAudi Design Wing from above you can see the lid "sunk" into the main case. In addition, if you look from side you can see the curve of the tremble side uninterrupted by a joint line.
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Oakley Stealth Watch That Turns Into a Phone for Text and Voice Messaging
Jul 08, 2009
Oakley Stealth WatchThis multifunctional device wasdesigned by Gregory H. Schultz, who wanted to illustrate his view of the next generation communication gadget. The device mostly plays the role of awristwatch, but it can also be used as a phone for sending and receiving text messages.

The gadget was dubbed "Oakley Stealth Watch". It can translate the text messages into vocal ones and vice-versa with the help of an incorporated voice to text and text to voice tool.
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Helix Concept: Pen Mixed with Digital Wristwatch
Jul 01, 2009
Helix ConceptAlthough latest technology penetrated almost every niche of our daily life, we still use traditional pens for writing down notes, sketches and the like.

Meet Helix, a gadget that includes a traditional pen mixed with modern technology.
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Wristwatch Gaming Gadget that Uses Motion Capture Technology
Jun 30, 2009
Wristwatch GamingOver the past several years, devices got smaller and handier. If you need evidence, simply observe this particular hand-held video game/wristwatch.

The device is called "Samsung WM". It has earbugs and pen, both clipping instinctively into the gadget's back panel.

Because the gadget has a flexible screen, the user can attach the device to their wrist and wear it as a slap-bracelet popular back in the 1980s.
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Oven Re-constructed Concept - Going the Right Way
Jun 26, 2009
Previously designers though about separating ovens and cooktop, but according to designer Ciprian Frunzeanu, they went in the wrong direction.

The designer presented its brand new idea that could save a lot of space and energy. His new concept is entitled Oven Re-Constructed.
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Metromorph Vehicle Becomes an Elevator and Balcony for Your Apartment
Jun 23, 2009
Metromorph VehicleDesigner Roman Mistiuk came up with an interesting concept that could help avoid the never-ending problems such as lack of parking space and not enough space at home. He developed this amazing vehicle which he dubbed "Metromorph", which can play several roles: besides being a car, it can turn into an elevator that takes you right to your apartment and it can increase your living space, turning into a balcony.

When you come home, the vehicle rides up just like an elevator and as soon as it arrives to the necessary floor it becomes a balcony. The designer provided specific features that explain how everything works.
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Throne V1.0 - Futuristic Interactive Unit for Gaming
Jun 22, 2009
Throne V1.0This incredible device was developed to fill a niche in a continuously developing gaming market. It was dubbed "Throne V1.0" and its design is credited to Anthony Sanchez.

Throne V1.0 represents an interactive unit that has two touchscreen surfaces playing the role of mouse and keyboard. It addition, the device features an adjustable footrest, developed for the comfort of the user so the latter could experience the digital media at its fullest.
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