Friday, August 14, 2009

RIM to Launch New Accessories, Includes BT Watch

Following in the footsteps of Sony Ericsson, BlackBerry, an unlikely candidate, has apparently decided to go into the Bluetooth Watch business according to reports. Of course keeping in tune with their shift from hardcore business devices to full function devices ready for all media as well as fully equipped for business of course, this doesn’t seem too out of character.

According to the reports the Bluetooth enabled watches are going to be a little more sophisticated than what we’ve seen from SE so far. The feature could possibly include -
  • Streaming audio capabilities
  • Caller ID support
  • Text message reading
Of course we’re presuming that alters for calls, messages etc., the usual would be part and parcel of the watches feature set.

Another accessory that the company is planning on launching is a Bluetooth headset that is being called the Alpha 1. Snappy name. The headset will support audio streaming and come equipped with noise reduction technology (what else) and is fitted into a black chrome shell. Reports are also stating that, coupled with a BB device the Alpha 1 will also provide Alerts for messages, IMS, emails etc. and voice navigation instructions when using the GPS.

There’s no pricing or availability on either device and nothing official about the Bluetooth watch has been released by RIM so stay tuned.

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