Friday, August 21, 2009

Eco-friendly gadgets

Image courtesy: ©2009 Jupiterimages

We lead busy lives, and who has time to think about the environment. But here we are - face to face - with global warming and other dangers. It's the phenomenon that's posing a threat to nature and our beautiful environment.
What can you do? Well, for starters, without compromising on your comfort, you can shift to these eco-friendly gadgets.

Eco-friendly speakers

Hey now you can turn into a Nature Baba! Use these cool cardboard speakers in your room or when you are out travelling and you can enjoy the same loud music back home. These speakers are made from recycled cardboard and work without chargeable batteries.

Instead, it uses the charge right from your MP3 player. Eye-catchy and extremely eco-friendly, you can already feel Mother Nature smiling down on you!

Solar charger

So you are camping for days together and your mobile phone runs out of battery. There is no charging point right in the woods. That's the place where you can use your solar charger. Attach your cell phone to the charger and expose it to the sun. Voila, your mobile is charged!

Voltaic backpack

Imagine you have no time to charge your lappy and are rushing from pillar to post for meetings. Your lappy contains all the important presentations you have worked on for nights together. You can't allow your laptop to just go blank, can you?

Now you can charge your PC right in your backpack! It produces 4 watts of energy to charge any electrical appliance. It also has a battery pack, which can store the electricity for, when the sun doesn't shine.

That means now you don't have to plead with a café owner to let you charge your laptop when in a hurry. It's like a tortoise. A charger on the back!

Green cellphone

Make way for the green ears. No, the phone is not a cardboard one. Though our Einstein brains have made room for a future possibility! We are talking about 3110 evolve by Nokia is an eco friendly cell phone.

This phone is constructed from more than 50 percent renewable bio-sourced plastics and sold in 60 percent recycled cardboard packaging. And also it uses only up to 94% less power than the usual chargers!

Solar radio

If you love to listen to those old classics, the radio is a must. Radio soothes your musical ears, but here's one gadget that will do both things at the same time - entertain you and save the planet. It puts the sun's energy into use. A sunny day is what it needs; it's portable and will also make you hum tunes.

Solar powered WI-FI

This one's a great option to connect to the world, when you are in the desert. Just have those blazing rays on your laptop, and your Internet works without any obstacles. But your laptop needs to be an anti-heated device.

Tupperware composter

We all know that Tupperware is the best. So here is a bin that actually recycles your trash and converts it into composting material. It recycles organic waste, thus making your lives more environment-friendly.

Eco-friendly laptops

This one's really cool for all tech geeks. The price starts from Rs.27, 000. HCL eco-friendly laptops use the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive. So if you have this, you don't harm the environment, the next time you are online.

No harm to nature and entertainment unimited, that's the mantra.

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