Friday, March 13, 2009

Diabetes and Arsenic Jewelry by Leah Heiss

Leah Heiss, in collaboration with Nanotechnology Victoria, has developed a range of jewelry with therapeutic properties. Leah was NanoVic’s first artist in residence from September 2007-June 2008, supported by Arts Victoria and the Australian Network for Art and Technology.

Diabetes Jewelry
Diabetes jewelry is a neckpiece and rings for administering insulin through the skin via a nano-engineered patch. The Diabetes Neckpiece is a wearable applicator device to apply Nanotechnology Victoria’s NanoMAPs to the skin. NanoMAPs are small (10 x 2mm) circular discs which have an array of micro needles on their surface. They allow for pain-free delivery of insulin to the body, replacing syringes. The Diabetes rings are designed to keep the nano-engineered insulin patches against the skin once they have been applied.

diabetes jewelry

diabetes jewelry

(more pics after the jump…)

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Bridges Used as Transport Links, Eerial Housing, and Skyborne Agricultural Complexes, All in One

Viktor Ramos, an architecture student, elaborates a brilliant idea to solve the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Victor’s simple but absolute genius concept shows bridging the Palestinian and Israel territories with huge structures, that can uphold life, house people, and let the people, animals and goods free transit. These bridges will be over each country’s ground so that nobody will become isolated. This project is obviously huge but if it is structurally possible, it will bring a new look of these two county’s geography. These bridges can eliminate many of the demands of the inhabitants of both states by providing the resources they needs.

bridge design for israel and palestina

bridge design for israel and palestina

(more pics after the jump…)

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The Lamborghini Insecta Car Concept for Extreme Racing

Iulian Bumbu, a Romanian professional car designer, designed The Lamborghini Insecta keeping an extreme racing supercar in mind. The design of this mid-engined 2-seater supercar combines the styling cues of the brand with elements encouraged by insect exoskeletons. The idea was based on introducing more organic and softer lines and combining them into the geometrical approach of Lamborghini. The inspiration mainly came from nature, particularly from the exoskeletons of insects which can be found in the top and back views of the car. Carbon-fiber is the main material of the panels and body structure of the car and powertrain is the same of a Gallardo.

lamborghini insecta car

lamborghini insecta car

(more pics after the jump…)

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Futuristic Sinthesya Lighting System

Sinthesya is both an indoor and an outdoor lighting system or a light lamp that was designed by D’arc Studio and the talented Camillo Vanacore, a designer who is known for awesome but state of the art designs and creations. This lighting system has leaf-shaped design which coincided with its inspiration – the chlorophyllous photosynthesis that naturally happens in the leaves of plant. This Sinthesya lighting also has a number of desirable characteristics such as photovoltaic panels that render this appliance rechargeable, waterproof and most of all, very eco-friendly.

sinthesya eco friendly outdoor indoor lighting

sinthesya eco friendly outdoor indoor lighting

(more pics after the jump…)

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RKS Laundry Pod : Do Small Load Quickly

Laundry POD can perfectly simplify your life by quickly cleaning a small load while no energy gets wasted. Hand washables and delicates can have some terrific attentions with the gentle spinning action that washes, rinses and extracts water to lessen drying times. This product is very much eco-conscious since it is made from recycled objects. You can re-use gray water for flushing, watering plants, etc and can use the POD anywhere; as a result, trips to dry cleaner and Laundromat can be reduced. The Laundry POD is a combination of eco-conscious style and innovation to save water, energy and the solution that require for a quick and easy way to diminutive loads.

rks laundry pod

rks laundry pod

(more pics after the jump…)

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