Saturday, December 13, 2008

Luxury Oculus Yacht Design by Schopfer Yachts

This amazing Oculus yacht design by Schopfer Yachts is really an amazing looker that literally can be said to be a design of the future. This 250 foot long yacht has luxury written all over it, be it the design or the interiors. In overall design, the added effect with the 12-foot high dome shaped ceiling is simply mesmerizing. The yacht is divided into three levels with the ground level being a common area for the guests to be entertained and the second and third level being private for the owner if chosen so, which are subsequently connected by stairs. All one can say is welcome to indulgence!

oculus yacht

oculus yacht

(more pics after the jump…)

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Futuristic Wine Cell Cooling System

It’s late in the evening and you got friends coming over, a time of being merry and savoring every moment of it, how about taking out that chilled wine from the cellar? If you are wondering how to keep the wine cool for a longer duration of time, welcome to the new wine cooler designed by Joshua Saling. At the onset, it looks like a small cordless phone/cell phone hanging the wall but at a closer look one can see that it has an opening where bottles can be kept and chilled. Looks really cool and ends up making a style statement while cooling the wine as well for that party of yours.

wine cell

wine cell

(more pics after the jump…)

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Vtect Kidizoom Digital Camera Product Review

Recently I gifted this camera to my 3 year old cousin on thanksgiving and already it seems to be a must have for him at all times. He carries it all along and trust me, I am no more the super hero because this teeny little camera has replaced me. Having said that, this small wonder can be deemed as a good thought by manufacturers to allow kids to start early. The camera is really a user friendly one and I can see a budding photographer in him, it’s got three settings i.e. on, off and auto and also allow shooting videos. [Buy It Here]

vtech kidizoom digital camera

vtech kidizoom digital camera

(more pics after the jump…)

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Out-sider Curved Seat by MBM

The new outdoor furniture designed by Denmark based design firm Made by Makers is an architectural and designing marvel. Named as Out-sider, the basic design comprises of a curved seat and an extruded aluminum profile which is used as the legs supporting the bench or a single unit supporting the structure. The good part about this product is that the parts are removable and can be again easily put back together in the shape desired. Since it is easy to use and move around its perfect furniture for public usage. So if you want the seat in whatever shape, just move around a few nuts and bolts.

outsider bench

outsider bench

(more pics after the jump…)

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Digit MP3 Player Concept with Wireless Stereo HeadSet

As they say, if the music be a way of life then; play on! The new MP3 concept by the Lisbon based Portuguese designer Nuno Teixeira is simply mind blowing in the true sense. This user friendly music device signifies complete freedom from wires. Yup it’s just you and the device. The overall design is simply amazing with soft surfaces and the sleek and extra slim look complete with a pair of wireless headsets. And one can say that it’s in true sense freedom, as you have a humongous 20 GB memory to go by, which means that one never runs out of music literally!

digit mp3 player concept

digit mp3 player concept

(more pics after the jump…)

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Spectrum : An Advanced Cordless Communication Device

Spectrum is the new mode of communication across houses if one looks into this new innovative product. The product is nothing but cordless advanced technology wherein all the inhabitants of the house are in communiqué with each other and with the other voice enabled electronic equipments like AC but via this device. So wherever be the occupants, through this device one can easily communicate without any hassles and all this with crystal clear voice which sometimes is lost if occupants are at another part of the house. There is nothing to carry around, just the device is placed at various locations in the house and all one has to do is speak and all shall listen! This design won the second price in the CAT-iq design competition.

spectrum communication device

spectrum communication device

(more pics after the jump…)

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SeaO2 : Ecological Housing Project

Today with lot of environmental developments happening world over like global warming, energy crisis, lifestyle changes, it’s become even more difficult to design houses meeting all these requirements. More and more architectural designs are using digital technologies with respect to modeling, simulation, evaluation and fabrication resulting in complex shaped buildings which incorporates the above challenges. One such project is coming up in Tel Aviv whose primary resources are sun, wind, and land and these are fairly distributed amongst these complex structures thus making an optimum utilization of all. It’s of course high quality housing complete with latest gadgets but run on the natural resources. Architect Yiftach Ben Meir, the designer, is a recent graduate from The Faculty Of Architecture and Town Planning at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (IIT). His final project SeaO2 was conceived under the framework of Tecnion Computer Oriented Design Studio, T_Code with the instruction of dr. Yasha j. Grobman.

seao2 architecture

seao2 architecture

Text from Yiftach :

SeaO2 is an experimental ecological housing project. The project poses an alternative to current plans for Tel Aviv North West coastal district. SeaO2 demonstrates vast use of cutting edge computer software, some being used in the aerospace industry, in order to improve building performance and to ensure the existence of a sustainable urban environment with a minimal ecological footprint. The project final form is a consequence of a scientific approach that calculates numerous of elements: the sun orbit, wind conditions, maximum open scenic views, very high density and more, all in a free-form organic manner.

Advanced Computer Simulations ensure the project’s credibility. The project’s unique morphology enables: optimized solar reception for heating at winter time, self-shadowing and solar reception for electricity generation at summer time, natural lighting, optimized natural ventilation, open looks to the natural coastal environment, public green spaces, rain collection and more. Various passive mechanical systems complement the basic morphology, enable better performance and create an energy efficient, environmentally friendly housing project

Designer : Yiftach Ben Meir

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The Rainman by Matilda Sunden Ringner

The decanter design by Denmark based designer, Matilda Sunden Ringner which is called Rainman is designed in a manner that water is transported from the container to the drinking glass. The decanter is unique as it has eight holes which facilitate its usage when the wine is poured, and the placement of holes also gives it a unique visual appeal and identity. Besides this, the holes also help in decanting the wine while preventing the ice and pieces of lemon to fall into the glass as one pours the content. A nice and a classy thought one must say, which can be used for our every day usage!

rainman by matilda sunden ringner

rainman by matilda sunden ringner

(more pics after the jump…)

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Future New Town of Gwanggyo With Plantations Around The Terraces

The new city center designed by Dutch architects MVRDV for Gwanggyo, a city coming up 35 kms from Seoul in South Korea seems to be something taken out of the sci fi movies. Expected to be completed by 2011, the city is sufficient enough to hold 77000 inhabitants and has a design envisioned with two centers which is a mix of housing, culture, office, retail, and leisure and education spaces. Various atriums are created in the towers catering to various categories, with box hedges being planted on the roofs and terraces which in turn improves ventilation and reduces usage of energy and water.

gwanggyo power center by mvrdv architects

gwanggyo power center by mvrdv architects

(more pics after the jump…)

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Scarab is Delivering a Sense of Personal Space and Independece to Its Users

In this daily clogging of road and parking space it’s always the space for parking that seems to be the main issue. In such a scenario, the new urban vehicle design by David Goncalves is something that’s what the doctor ordered. The design called as Scarab by the designer is not only a concept that is aimed at occupying least road space, but also it occupies very little parking space too. The vehicle is completely collapsible and the complete process ensures that the vehicle is parked on just two wheels. A very nice thought that surely will find many takers.

scarab vehicle

scarab vehicle

(more pics after the jump…)

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