Zen Mobiles has launched a dual-SIM smartphone running Android 2.3 Gingerbread for Rs. 4,999. The Ultraphone U1 has a HVGA 3.5-inch display, 3.2MP camera, no front-facing camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 512MB of built-in storage expandable up to 32GB via a microSD card. It runs on a 1GHz processor and is powered by a 1,200 mAh battery.
The Zen Ultraphone U1 comes preloaded with a bunch of apps that include Skype, Facebook, MapmyIndia, G-talk, nexGTV, WhatsApp, and GaneshaSpeaks.
At the launch of the Zen Ultraphone U1, Mr. Deepesh Gupta, Managing Director Zen Mobile, said, "We at Zen Mobiles aim to deliver consumer friendly products, with latest innovations in place. With our Zen Ultraphone U1, we have kept our commitment to the rapidly evolving smartphone market of the country, by bringing them top of the line product innovations. Zen Ultraphone U1 is one of the top of the ladder innovations from Zen Mobiles and reaffirms our business tenet of getting best of technology to the end consumers at affordable rates. We take pride in bringing pioneering technologies to the mobile users of today, which is in line with transforming their constantly evolving Android mobile experience."
In the sub Rs. 5,000 category, the consumer is spoiled for choice with the availability of a large number of devices such as the Karbonn A5, Spice Mi-320, iBall Andi 107, Micromax Superfone A45 and more.
In the recent past, Zen launched a budget tablet called the Zen Ultratab A100. The Ultratab A100 is priced at Rs. 6,199. It has a 7-inch display with a 480x800 pixel resolution, 1.2GHz single-core processor, 512MB RAM, 4GB storage expandable via microSD card up to 32GB, a 1.3MP video call camera, Wi-Fi and running on Android 4.0.3. You can read a review of the tablethere.
Chip design became very easy in these days. Many companies are manufacturing smart mobiles by latest features. This mobile looks very great.
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