Monday, November 26, 2012

Google Nexus 10 review

Google Nexus 10 Review
Testing out the strength of its Wi-Fi connection, it’s able to retain a solid connection with a wireless router that’s located approximately 30 feet away in another room. Furthermore, we didn’t see its signal strength greatly fluctuating in the same locations.

Surmising it can be related to optimizations with Android 4.2 or the new dual-core Exynos chipset it’s using, but the Nexus 10 delivers one great battery life in our testing. So much so that we’re able to get nearly 2 whole days of normal usage with its fully charged 9,000 mAh battery, which is amazing considering it’s sporting that super high resolution display and whatnot. However, it’s worth pointing out that the rear of the tablet gets a bit toasty after prolonged usage.

It lacks the razor sharp design of Asus’ top line Android tablets or the extended wealth of functionality available with the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, but hot damn, there’s no arguing that the Google Nexus 10triumphs over them with its hard to believe price point of $399! Considering that it’s featuring the highest resolution display to grace a tablet thus far, it’s absolutely hard to fathom how it’s priced the way it is. Instead, the Google Nexus 10 is seriously bringing the heat this upcoming holiday season.

  • Incredible high resolution display
  • Very good $400 price point
  • Stellar battery life


  • No 4G/3G verison
  • Some software bugs with Android 4.2
  • Choppy performance every now and then

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