Saturday, May 19, 2012

FXI squeezes a dual-core Android chipset into a USB stick

What you see here is one of the coolest USB sticks we’ve ever come across. Called Cotton Candy, it carries a fully functional chipset running the Android operating system inside it. All it needs is a USB cable to draw power and an HDMI cable to connect to a screen of some sort.

Thanks to this creation of the Norwegians from FXI technologies, you can turn any available screen into an Android device. Your TV and computer monitor can grow brains of their own with this stick.
And, rest assured, the non-touchscreen is not really an issue. Cotton Candy comes with Bluetooth connectivity so you can connect your keyboard and mouse to it. There’s even a microSD card slot on that thing.
Alternatively, you can just plug the stick into your laptop and have it running Android in a matter of seconds, using the built-in keyboard and mouse. We don’t know if it will have too many practical applications, but it’s hard to beat the Cotton Candy at coolness.

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