Friday, October 14, 2011

HP Touchpad gets Android thanks to an alpha CyanogenMod 7.1

Got an HP TouchPad, do you? Well, you either got it before HP axed it or you snatched one upfor $99 (lucky you!) – either way, there’s a good chance you want to lose the WebOS and move to a more popular OS, Android to be precise.

gsmarena 001 The HP Touchpad gets Android thanks to an alpha CyanogenMod 7.1 release [VIDEO]
Ask yourself how much you want it – because you can get it right now, the CyanogenMod team just released an alpha of v7.1 that you can install. But it’s a really early version and the team themselves discourage you from installing it because you’ll encounter problems “ranging from the benign to the very serious”.
It’s also worth noting that putting Android on your TouchPad will void your warranty. Also, things like Wi-Fi, sound and camera might encounter problems – among many other things.
Check out the post over at RootzWiki, which details what works, what doesn’t, the progress of the project, how to update once a better version shows up.
Here’s the latest progress report video, which shows working Bluetooth and Netflix:
There you’ll also find everything you need to install CyanogenMod 7.1 alpha for TouchPad, of course. Again, proceed at your own risk and expect problems.

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